Stacy helps adults and children improve breathing patterns to enhance physical health, mental and emotional wellbeing, accelerate recovery, and elevate athletic performance.

She uses a combination of scientifically backed breathwork exercises drawn from Oxygen Advantage, Buteyko, and Pranayama, along with functional breathing mechanics, mindfulness methods, somatic techniques, and embodiment practices to reduce anxiety and depression, increase stress resilience, improve sleep, and regulate the nervous system.

Through a one one coaching program, clients find more peace, focus, confidence, and energy.

Breathing impacts all of our body’s functions and is innately intwined with our nervous system, which governs both our physical health, and mental and emotional wellbeing. Stacy will help you improve the way you think, feel, move, perform, and live!

Stacy came into this work through her own journey of alleviating constant and overwhelming anxiety.  She also was able to cure perioral dermatitis when pharmaceuticals couldn’t, and ditch an inhaler for exercise induced asthma, all with the power of the breath. 

“No matter what we eat, how much we exercise, how resilient our genes are, how skinny or young or wise we are - NONE OF IT WILL MATTER UNLESS WE’RE BREATHING CORRECTLY. The missing pillar in health is breath. It all starts here. -James Nestor

We assume that the body reflexively knows how much air it needs at all times, but unfortunately, this is not the case. The process of breathing has been warped by chronic stress, sedentary life styles, unhealthy diets, overheated homes, and lack of fitness. All these contribute to poor breathing habits. -Patrick McKeown

How’s Your Breathing?

  • shortness of breath

  • snoring

  • sleep apnea

  • asthma

  • pain/tension

Functional Breathing Improves:

  • anxiety/panic

  • stress

  • depression

  • insomnia

  • skin/gut issues

  • allergies/rhinitis

  • chronic fatigue

  • fibromyalgia

  • Long Covid

  • & more

“Stacy’s 1:1 breath coaching was amazing! I have been dealing with dysregulated breathing for a long time. Her class finally taught me proven methods to regulate the breath. Stacy is knowledgeable of the body. She is also passionate and sincere of helping others. This class left me with an abundance of life changing methods to reduce anxiety.”

-Michele, NJ

“Stacy’s 1:1 coaching took my exercise routine to the next level. My respiratory stamina skyrocketed and I am able to go so much longer before breathlessness in my workouts, allowing me to work harder and get more out of them.”


“Working with Stacy helped me stop snoring! I’ve been seeking ways to relieve my snoring for years and this really did it! Thank you!”


🗣 What Others Are Saying:

“Thank YOU Stacy! I had a great time learning from you yesterday and felt some noticeable energetic and physiological benefits last evening and overnight. I look forward to deepening my practice at home and gathering again next week.”

Daniel, PA

“The breathwork training with Stacy has helped me understand much better how we breathe, where we breathe and what impact breathing has on our health and overall well-being. I have learned interesting facts which were highlighted by Stacy in a very straight forward, interesting and easy to understand way. She used great examples and always provided time for feedback, thoughts and clarification. 

The breathing exercises Stacy practised are easy to apply to daily life which can be utilised while driving, standing in a supermarket queue, while doing exercise or whenever we have the time. I feel more aware of my breathing habits and became much more conscious around how I breathe which ultimately and hopefully will get me to practice a healthy way of breathing more and more often - especially when I'm stressed or tired. 

I would definitely recommend breathwork sessions with Stacy to everyone who likes to practice self care. Stacy is on top a lovely, fun and energetic coach - My overall well being and staying in the moment has improved massively.”

Anil, Australia

Click here to schedule your FREE 20 minute intro Zoom to see how you can improve your breathing and your life today!