What is NeuroDynamic Breathwork ?


NeuroDynamic Breathwork (NDB) is a science supported transformational process for personal growth which allows for healing and self-empowerment.

NDB uses a conscious connected breath, paired with carefully curated evocative music, in a safe container created by a certified facilitator, which all together allow the breather to quiet their thinking mind, connect within, and reach an expanded state of awareness.

The process is entirely guided by the breather's own innate wisdom and creates the opportunity for breathers to process and release stuck or shoved down emotions, connect to their intuition and creativity, find profound peace and contentment, and improve their overall health and well-being.

Many breathers report increased relaxation, clarity, sense of purpose, connection, peace, love, and compassion and decreased stress levels, anxiety, depression, pain, grief, PTSD and insomnia.

One of the unique features of this breathwork is that the facilitator does not direct or guide your breathwork journey. It is all guided from within our own being.



This modality is based on the principle of radical self empowerment-looking inside for the answers you desire, instead of to the outside world.

Most of the things that are keeping us from achieving the life we desire are stored in our unconscious. NDB sessions allow direct access to the unconscious mind and bring forth the blocks, thinking patterns, and conditioning for healing.

U-unconscious blocks

This is a process for release-releasing stuck emotions, bioenergetic blocks, thinking patterns, habits, reactions, ideas and ways of being that developed in childhood but no longer serve us.


This is an organic process. Our inner being/body knows what it needs to release and will only bring up what we are capable of handling.


Dynamic music is an integral component of a NDB session, and combined with the breath stimulates a deep dive into our inner world and unconscious mind.


A session with me includes 3 parts:


1) an approximately 30 minute intro talk for all first time breathers including Q & A

2) 60 minutes of music and journey

3) sharing circle to assist with integration, although I always suggest the participant continue to integrate after as well

Neurodynamic Breathwork is science supported and helps rewire the brain by strengthening the neural pathways to your inner healer and body’s wisdom.

  • improve health & wellbeing

  • relief from trauma & grief

  • relief from anxiety & depression

  • improve relationships

  • increase love and compassion

  • release suppressed emotions

  • gain clarity & purpose

  • connect to intuition & creativity

  • access relaxation, calm & peace

  • release stress & tension

Benefits of Practicing NeuroDynamic Breathwork Regularly:

IN PERSON SESSIONS! If you’re the NJ/PA area, I’m offering several intimate, powerful sessions. These sessions sell out quickly and are limited to 8 participants so register TODAY!

Saturday, March @ 6pm EST Yoga and Movement Training Center, Mt. Laurel, NJ

Saturday, April 13 @ 6 pm EST Massage by Laura, Marlton, NJ

If you are in local to the NJ or PA areas and would like an in person session, please

send an email to peaceofmindbreath@gmail.com for more details on private sessions.

Breathe With Stacy ONLINE via ZOOM

Energy exchange $22+fees

First Time Breathers-use code: FIRSTTIME

⏱ Use this link to find your local time.

Next session coming soon

Next session coming soon

Unlike most breathwork modalities out there, NeuroDynamic Breathwork uses the approach of radical self-empowerment: it is a self-guided, non-intrusive experience in which a skilled facilitator creates sacred safe space. This allows you to meet your own inner self, access your own inner wisdom, and tap into your own inner healing potential, thus developing self trust, self-confidence, and self-reliance. This is the path to ultimate freedom.

Why is NeuroDynamic Breathwork such a powerful modality for healing and self-empowerment?

What others are saying:

Words fail to capture what I experienced during our NDB Session this week. While I had some familiarity with breathwork, I had never heard about NDB and you set it up perfectly for someone with no prior knowledge. Your presentation allowed me to relax into the process because you covered everything that I could potentially experience, leaving room for the unexpected to occur without fear. Your voice is so soothing and beautiful and I easily relaxed into the state of awareness your meditation invited. You were so patient with me as I fiddled around trying to find the right headphones. A patient teacher, you gave me that freedom to just be me and allow whatever wanted to be expressed to come through. Knowing you were holding space for me while I did the work in my own expanded state of awareness was so very compassionate and loving. I still cannot believe the release and healing I felt during my NDB experience. I've never felt anything like this before. I will definitely be back for more and would highly recommend this healing work for anyone no matter how they are feeling in the moment. I can see now it is helpful for more than just releasing stuck emotions; it is a full body expression, giving voice to a part of me that never spoke before. Thank you so much for introducing me to this most amazing healing modality!!
-Rita, NJ

That was like a year of therapy in one hour!


This was the most profound experience of my life! It was powerful, empowering, and insightful and I recommend this to anyone wanting to heal and grow.


Stacy is able to hold such a safe and beautiful space during her Neurodynamic Breathwork sessions. I was able to experience a deep relaxation even before the journey started and deep feelings of love and bliss during the session. I am already looking forward to doing it again!


The space and setting provided by Stacy was charged! The amount of respect she has for the process is endearing. Her genuine spirit was a tremendous comfort, and her passion for the work helped me to drop in from the beginning. It truly allowed me to realize some things about my personal experience on this plane and the power we all have been gifted. I was impressed by her inherent knowledge and the direct approach to sharing it. I am grateful for the opportunity to have joined in and will make it to another session in the future. Lastly, I am in awe of the love and service shown by all the folks involved.

-Eric, NJ

What an experience! When I started the process, my chronic back and leg pain was strong and when I ended, it was gone! I had such a powerful release and plan to continue breathing with Stacy on a regular basis. What a gift Neurodynamic Breathwork is.

-Alejandro, NJ

“My experience doing Neurodynamic Breathwork with Stacy was incredibly powerful. My divine intelligence was activated in a way that I’ve never experienced before. Stacy made sure I had everything I needed to make sure I felt comfortable and secure during this profound work. She explained everything so clearly that I was able to relax into the energy and really make the most out of it. I can’t wait to do it again!”

-Jena Kalvin, NJ

“I attended my Neurodynamic Breathwork session and it was THE most powerful experience I've ever experienced in my 60 years. I've had a lot of trauma in my life from childhood to the present and this breathwork opened the core of my soul. An intense tingling sensation was felt in every cell of my body. I could sense I was going deep within myself, leaving the surface where I am not truly authentic. I was on a journey of self-discovery. For the first time in my life, I screamed into a pillow. Despite decades of therapy, I've never been able to make a sound when I screamed. Tonight though, the screams were constant, visceral and shook me to my core. The rage finally exploded from every pore of my body. I punched the bed until my arms could no longer physically carry on. Then deep sorrow made her appearance. I held my Winnie the Pooh and sobbed uncontrollably, my tears soaking Pooh. I was bathed in anguish and grief. When the session ended, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I released so much trauma in one hour and I am so grateful for having the courage to try the session as I will be returning. This session gave me hope that I can heal and become healthy physically and mentally. I highly recommend anyone wondering if they should give Neurodynamic Breathwork a try, to do it. Push past any reservations, doubts, or fears because you will come out of it more attuned to your authentic self.” -Cathie, Canada

“I had a profound, intense experience. I was peacefully stunned. I had not accessed this place in my body, in my soul, in my awareness in a very long time. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the work you are doing and the experience, and the wisdom you are giving to so many people because it’s so important, so connecting. It’s so real. It’s so true. It is meaningful and has deep purpose. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time-to be able to come back to myself and have this connection to something much more beyond myself even further than I’ve known it. I experienced a number of emotions that I cannot count on my hands and let go of a lot of things that were there. There is this fear for me to feel any emotion, because we judge them as good or bad, and one of the biggest things for me was this ability to accept all of the emotions as they came up in whatever order during the session. I felt my heart literally, physically, sensationally, spiritually in a way that I had not in long time and then some. I’m so thankful. This has been one of the biggest breakthroughs, shifts, expansions of my own awareness in my entire life. I wanted to say thank you so much. There is so much gratitude.”

-Kevin, California